This privacy policy addresses what information you voluntarily provide to us when you visit the Outback Guidance Web site; how we use that information; and under what circumstances we disclose it.

User Agreement

By using this Web site, you signify your consent to and agreement to be bound by these terms, practices, and policy.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the privacy practices on this Web site, please address them in writing to Privacy Officer, Hemisphere GNSS (USA) Inc. (“Hemisphere”), 2207 Iowa Street, Hiawatha, KS, United States, 66434 or by e-mail at [email protected]


Hemisphere collects personal information only if site users voluntarily give it to us by subscribing to our e-mail newsletters or by using our electronic storefront. Users are under no obligation to give us personal information and need not do so to access our Web site. By volunteering this information, users agree to its collection for the purposes stated below.


Outback Guidance uses the personal information collected to:

  • provide users with e-mail updates (if requested) of events, new research, and activities of Outback Guidance;
  • process e-commerce orders through our electronic storefront;
  • obtain user feedback concerning the Web site; and/or
  • keep aggregate information concerning Web site use.

Collection of Information

a. E-mail Updates. When a user subscribes to e-mail updates from Outback Guidance, we may collect some or all of the following personal information:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Company Name
  • E-mail address
  • Business Telephone Number

b. E-Commerce Transactions. When a user purchases an item using a credit card from our secure online shopping site, some or all of the following personal information is collected:

  • Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State/Province /Country
  • Postal Code
  • E-mail address
  • Credit Card Number, Type, and Expiration Date

When a user purchases an item using a purchase order account from our secure online shopping site, the purchase order number, user ID, and password provided to our purchase order accounts are used to authenticate the user. Purchase order account information stored in our database includes: Account primary contact name, Company name, Company address, E-mail address, and the User ID and password used to access your account online. Customer purchase order accounts are set up directly with our finance department and invoiced off-line upon a completed order.

We use industry-standard e-commerce security technology to protect any personal information you transmit to us when purchasing by credit card or by a purchase order account in our electronic store. This e-commerce security includes:

  • encrypting the information you input using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software;
  • authenticating the identity of Outback Guidance and our customer to prevent fraudulent transactions on either end,
  • storing only the last 4 digits of your credit card number when confirming an order.

Note: Protect your password when using a shared computer - Make sure to sign off and close your browser window.

c. Cookies. Cookies enable us to process your order during the secure checkout process in our online store. We place a unique identifier in the cookie and use it to connect your computer with the information we store for you in our order database. Without cookies enabled, you will not be able to order a product online. We do not use cookies to store any personal or financial information on your computer.

d. User Feedback Submitted by E-mail. When submitting a comment by e-mail to our general mailboxes, we will use your e-mail address to reply to your e-mail; however, we do NOT collect and store your e-mail address in a database.

e. Web Site Usage Statistics. Outback Guidance also collects non-personally-identifiable information that becomes available as a result of a user's visit to our Web site(s). Information that is automatically collected includes the user's:

  • IP address (a number automatically assigned to your computer when you visit the Web site. Our server automatically logs the user's IP address);
  • Internet Service Provider (ISP);
  • Web browser; and
  • visiting habits through the use of “cookies”. Non-personally-identifiable information about a user's visiting habits MAY also be automatically collected through the use of cookies. Cookies are computer files that are placed in a user's hard drive to remember any preferences the user may have when surfing the Web. Non-personal, aggregate information collected from cookies help us analyze Web site use. For example, it can tell us how often particular pages are visited. You can set your browser to not accept cookies; however, if you do so, you will not be able to process orders in our online store on

Limiting Use, Disclosure & Retention

An individual's personal information is used only in connection with the purposes identified in “Purpose” section of this policy. Individual information collected by Outback Guidance will not be sold or made available to third parties. The retention periods for personal information collected by Outback Guidance are as follows:

  • information collected for the purpose of providing e-mail updates is retained until the user requests to be removed from our subscription list by e-mailing [email protected] and
  • information collected for the purpose of shopping in our online store is retained for a period of one year after the order is processed

Ensuring Accuracy

Users can subscribe, unsubscribe, or correct information required to receive e-mail updates from Outback Guidance. To subscribe or unsubscribe, please e-mail [email protected]


To ensure the protection of personal information collected by Outback Guidance, we employ the following physical, organizational and technological security safeguards:

  • Access is restricted at the offices of Outback Guidance, to employees and other authorized individuals.
  • Access to the Outback Guidance servers containing personal information is limited to designated employees, to our Web site development company, and to our ISP, and is accessed only by use of a password; also, servers storing e-commerce information are accessible only via secure connections.
  • The servers of Outback Guidance contain firewall protection.
  • All employees are made aware of the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of our users' personal information.


Outback Guidance is committed to making readily available to individuals information on our privacy policies and practices.

Individual Access

To review your personal information collected by Outback Guidance, please direct your request in writing to Privacy Officer, Hemisphere GNSS (USA) Inc., 2207 Iowa Street, Hiawatha, KS, United States, 66434 or by e-mail at [email protected]

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